Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Wilmer Place: Sainsbury application submitted

Info from Stokey Local:

The developer has submitted a planning application for Wilmer Place

On 13th July the developers of Wilmer Place submitted a planning application to Hackney Council's Planning Office. Stokey Local became aware of the existence of the application on 18th July.

There will be a delay between submitting the application and it appearing on the Hackney planning website as it has to be validated before it is made public. This process is quite normal and often takes a few weeks for more complex applications such as this one.

So far no documents have been posted on the Hackney planning website. We will keep you up to date with developments as the application progresses and will be providing information which will help you to make a submission to the planning office.

The proposals, although there have been significant changes, are still going to damage the character of the area, and are an overdevelopment of the site (effectively building a housing estate on top of a large supermarket).

Once the application is validated it will be published and there will be a consultation period. We will be asking people to use the consultation period to make their views known. In the meantime the one thing that you can do that would be enormously helpful is to tell your friends and neighbours that the Sainsbury/WIlmer Place development is back and to forward this email on to friends, neighbours and family living in Stoke Newington and ask them to sign up to this email list. They will then automatically receive updates when we know more.

You could also post a message on your twitter or facebook pages so that we ensure that everyone knows to look out for the consultation period.

If you received this email direct, then you are already on our email list, if it was forwarded to you then you are not on our mailing, list, but we would invite you to join our mailing list: http://eepurl.com/eOEgg <http://stokeylocal.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c747f6d2c72e4ced2ac01c000&id=1361d85390&e=db0f4b3c5a>

If we all speak up, then we will be heard!

Thank you for your support.

Stokey Local

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