
Draft Constitution of Leswin Area Residents’ Association

1 . NAME
The Association shall be known as the LESWIN AREA RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (LARA)

The Association will cover the Area detailed below.
Darville, Bayston, Leswin, Hollar, Batley and Tyssen Roads, Leswin Place and Glading Terrace. Plus the north side of Evering and the south side of Brook Roads that back onto the area.

3.1 To represent the views of the residents of the above area in respect to improving amenities, environment and conditions of life.
3.2 To facilitate community activity, recreation, amenities, education and training and to encourage a community spirit in the area.
3.3 To do all such lawful things as are necessary to the attainment of the above objects.

4.1 Membership shall be open to all residents and other persons as the association shall agree irrespective of sex, nationality, race, colour, political or religious beliefs, over the age of 18 living within the association's area.
4.2 Membership of the Association shall cost £5 per household per year.
4.3 Residents of the area outlined in point 2. AREA shall be deemed to be Members of the Association and have the right to speak at public meetings.
4.4 Racist or sexist behaviour will not be tolerated and will give grounds for suspension.

5. The Association, in the conduct of its business, prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, sexuality, disability, religion and political affiliation.

6.1 The Committee shall manage the income and property (including intellectual property) of the Association to ensure that it is applied solely towards the promotion of the objects.
Responsibilities and Powers shall include:-
6.2 The Committee will open and operate such Bank and other Accounts as the Committee consider necessary. All such accounts in which any parts of the Association's assets are deposited shall be in the name of the Association and shall be operated by the Committee.
6.3 It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure all records of Transactions are covered with written receipts. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for ensuring Association Account Books are up to date and available for Inspection and Audit.
6.4 A minimum of two committee member's signatures shall be required for any Withdrawal or Cheques required on behalf of the Association.
6.5 The Committee will be responsible for raising any necessary funds.
6.6 The Committee will be responsible for paying any member, or be reimbursed, from, the property of the Association, any reasonable expenses properly incurred when acting on behalf of the Association.
6.7 The Committee will be responsible for acquiring any necessary property and equip it for use.
6.8 The Committee will be responsible for disposing of any property belonging to the Association.
6.9 The Committee will be responsible for the requisition and pay for such goods and services as are essential to meeting the Objects of the Association.
6.10 Any Grants, which are successfully awarded to the Association - the Committee are responsible for ensuring that such grant awards are used solely for the purpose of facilitating the Grant request.

7.1 The business of the Association shall be conducted by a committee of 9 members elected at each Annual General Meeting, which shall consist of Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, and other Officers or Members as the AGM may decide. No more than TWO COMMITTEE MEMBERS shall be from the same household.
7.2 The committee may CO-OPT non-voting members on to the committee as required to carry out the defined objectives of the Association.
7.3 The removal of officers and committee members may only be carried out by a Two Thirds - Majority of those present and voting at the General Meeting of the Association
The committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the officers of the Association from its other members until the next General Meeting.
7.4 The committee shall meet as necessary and not less than SIX times per year. Committee meetings shall be open to ANY MEMBER wishing to attend who may speak but not vote, and who has previously given notice to the Secretary regarding the reasons for their attendance. Participation at meetings by non-committee members who fail to notify the SECRETARY beforehand shall be dependant upon the discretion of the Chair
7.5 The Association shall call at least four published open meetings per year in order to sound out local opinion.
7.6 The decisions of the General and annual meetings of the Association shall be binding on the Committee. All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of members voting.
7.7 The Committee may appoint such sub-committees as may be required to carry out the activities of the Association. Such sub-committees shall be directly accountable to the Committee. The Committee shall in advance agree the terms of reference of any sub-committee. The Chairperson and Treasurer of the Association shall be ex officio member of any sub-committee.
7.8 Where any sub-committee is to continue in existence beyond the Annual General Meeting following its appointment, its members shall submit themselves for re-election at that meeting and annually thereafter.

8.1 The committee shall present the ANNUAL REPORT of the Association each year in October at which :-
(a) The committee shall present the ANNUAL REPORT of the Association in such manner as shall be agreed by the Association Committee.
(b) The Chair and Treasurer shall present AUDITED ACCOUNTS for the Association for the previous year.
(c) Committee members shall be NOMINATED & ELECTED to serve for the next 12 months. Nominations for election to the Committee ideally should be made by members of the Association in writing to a deadline determined by the Committee.
Any matters submitted to the Secretary in writing BEFORE the meeting begins shall be considered
8.2 Not less than 28 DAYS NOTICE in writing of the AGM shall be given to ALL RESIDENTS.

9.1 The secretary shall call a Special General Meeting at the request of the MAJORITY of the Committee; or on receipt of a written petition by not less than 15 MEMBERS of the Association giving reasons for their request.
9.2 The secretary shall give not less than 7 DAYS NOTICE of the date for an SGM which must take place within 21 DAYS of a request. Notice for all meetings will include TIME, DATE & PLACE of meeting and an AGENDA

10.1 The quorum for Committee meetings shall be 3 MEMBERS.
10.2 The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 9 MEMBERS.

11.1 THE-CHAIR- Shall chair Meetings and Committee meetings: working with the Committee in planning the Agenda, and making organisational decisions of the Association and has the power to exclude any member of the Association from a meeting whose conduct is prejudicial to the activities of the Association.
11.2 THE SECRETARY- Shall be responsible for CONVENING all meetings ; maintain a MINUTE BOOK for all meetings of the Association, all minutes being on request to all members ; and maintain a LIST of all committee members of the Association for reference by members , and, deal with correspondence .
11.3 TREASURER - Shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions and will ensure Accounts are available annually for Independent Audit.

12.1 Any member delegated to represent the Association in consultation with any other body shall act on the INSTRUCTION of the Association and shall report back to the next available meeting of the Committee.

13.1 The committee shall have the power to delegate any of their functions to sub-committees consisting of two or more persons appointed by them (but at least one member of the sub-committees must be a Committee Member) and all proceedings must be reported promptly to the committee.

14.1 Copies of the constitution shall be available to all members.
14.2 Any alteration to the constitution shall require the approval of a majority of those present at a meeting of Members.
14.3 Any resolution for alteration must be received by the Secretary not less than 14 DAYS in writing before the meeting.

15.1 If a Committee no longer exists any FOUR MEMBERS may notify the Membership of a special general meeting to be held which can dissolve the Association by a MAJORITY, of those attending and voting at the meeting.
15.2 At least 14 days NOTICE shall be given prior to this meeting.
15.3 ASSETS, financial or otherwise remaining when the Association has satisfied any liabilities, shall be used for the purpose set out in the objects of the Association, details of which shall be decided by those present at the meeting.

This Constitution was adopted at a duly convened meeting of the Leswin Area Residents’ Association (LARA) on the 16th December 2009 at 62b Darville Road N16.