Wednesday, 27 August 2014

West Hackney Recreation Ground - Re-opening Party on Saturday 6th September

Dear Friends,

Greetings from West Hackney - I hope that all is well and that you are enjoying the summer.

You’ll be aware that for the last 7 years, St Paul’s Church and the people of West Hackney have been working hard to bring about the re-ordering and regeneration of the 2.5 acre site that is West Hackney Recreation Ground and St Paul’s Churchyard.

I’m delighted to say that having secured funding of around £800,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the London Marathon Trust, West Hackney Parochial Charity and St Paul’s Church coffers, we’ve achieved our aim and now, this site is ready once again to reclaim its place at the heart of West Hackney, offering the people of this area a magnificent and much-needed open green space.

We will be celebrating this achievement with a re-opening party on Saturday 6th September in the company of the Mayor of Hackney and the Bishop of Stepney, who have graciously agreed to declare the site ‘re-opened’.

We very much hope that you might join us for this great occasion in the life of West Hackney. I’m attaching a flyer giving details - we’re encouraging people to come along and bring some food to share in a massive picnic. There’ll be lots of fun things to do and see and we’d love to have your company.

Maybe you’d drop me a one-liner to let me know if you can make it?

With every good wish,


From: The Revd Niall Weir - Rector of West Hackney
306 Amhurst Rd : London : N16 7UE : 020 7254 3235 : 07840 762783