Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Trolley Buses

It seems that Leswin Road used to be part of a trolley bus network. If anyone has any pictures/information on this please let us know. Thanks so much.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Cycling / Traffic Meeting

A note from committee member, Andrea:

Following my enquiry about cycling (and traffic) issues in the area I’ve had a good response back from the Hackney cycling campaign, from Trevor Parsons. They’d like to get in touch / meet and I think it would be worth us listening to what they have to say as they seem to have a much longer history of looking at the gyratory than we have. We’ve discussed the week commencing February 22nd for a specific traffic meeting (for those who want to get involved). This would be a good opportunity to invite the Hackney Cycling people. I’m happy to organise and suggest a date + time – those who would like to be part of this please do let me know or forward on to people who might get involved........

You can leave any comments below.

New Late License Application

No. 86 Stoke Newington High St. – located on the corner of Tyssen Road – the owner (Mr. Renk Art) has applied for a 2.00am license for a number of activities including live music, drama, performance of dance, film showing and art exhibition. A copy of the list is posted in their shop window. This may affect some of you living in the immediate vicinity. Representations can be made until February 4th, and can be made on line via the Hackney Council website.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Foodie Blog

A quick link to a wonderful blog from a wonderful chef on Rectory Road, full of lovely stoke newington references and some great recipes - Love and a Licked Spoon/Stoke Newington

Friday, 15 January 2010

Looking for a handy man

Does anyone know of a good, reliable handyman for boring things around the house?

Flickr Find

A link to some great photos of stoke newington during the 1970's. http://bit.ly/6uK8FF

I was trying to think of some famous people who'd lived round here. The Kray Brothers used to own my old house 28 Tyssen Road, when it was a garage and there's a rumour that Barbara Windsor lived at the end of Leswin Road when she was a hair dresser. Does anyone know of any others?

Thursday, 14 January 2010

CAP Meeting - Licensing Issues

Hello everyone.
I went to the CAP meeting last night . The minutes will be circulated at a later date but some interesting points arose which may concern us as an association as well as individually..

Someone from the Licensing Dept was invited .She went through the 4 grounds on which it's possible to make representations against a licence application (prevention of crime & disorder etc ) , as stated on the website , and gave some general information.

There was discussion about the increasing no of applications for late night licences in the High St / Church St areas particularly. It emerged that the council are bound to grant licences IF THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS, which I hadn't realised. As well as making representations when the initial application is made, we can also complain to the enforcement officers if we feel that the terms / conditions of a licence are being broken (we can do this through our councillors if we wish ) . The premises will then be visited , although this will take time. If it's serious enough we can ask for the licence to be reviewed in which case it would go before a licensing sub- committee.

It was stressed that licensing officers are neutral . Louisa, who was at the meeting , pointed out that councillors can respond to and offer support re issues and concerns we raise but they are not allowed to instigate complaints etc themselves.

Re some specific applications - The Shipwreck -179 High Street . (mentioned in previous emails) They are applying for 6 a m licences every day . The final date for submission of representations is now the 7th Feb not 18th Jan.(this was due to be altered on the website today)

There is also a licence application for the basement premises of 86 High St. to open until 2a m Fridays - Sundays. Closing date is 4th Feb.

The question of public safety issues / late night noise / public nuisance / possibility of crime & disorder / safeguarding of children / obviously will loom larger for those of us who live closest to the late -opening venues but we will all experience the knock -on effect and ,if we wish to , we are all entitled to make representations as we live 'in the vicinity' of these venues.

It remains for LARA to decide which issues it intends to take up as an association. I don't know how feasible it would be re licensing issues anyway , due to the time factor, as there is only a 21 (or 28 - can't remember !) day slot to make representations after the application is publicised .(it was suggested at the meeting that it's a good idea to check out the new applications on the Council website on a weekly basis - as well as the Gazette & Hackney Today) Those of us who are concerned can obviously act as individuals ,with the possibility of more objections having a greater impact on the licensing sub- committees.

Best wishes

Anne (LARA committee member)

This link gives more info about what CAP (Community Action Panel) Meetings are all about:

Friday, 8 January 2010

Looking For............

A recommended carpenter/cabinet maker.

Tyssen Road resident wants to find someone to finish their kitchen cabinets.
Any suggestions please comment here or send details to lara.n16@googlemail.com

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

It's Snow Time!

Leswin and Hollar Roads.
Please email your snow pics to lara.n16@googlemail.com

Ghost Signs

Corner of Tyssen and Stoke Newington Road. Anyone know the history of these?