Wednesday, 2 June 2010

The LARA Big Lunch

Looking for locals to have a good old get-together.
Where? West Hackney Recreation Grounds on Evering Road
When? July 18th 2010 1pm to 4pm
How? Bring a picnic and one dish to share and you're in!
Who? Anyone living in the LARA catchment area, friends and family.

Looking for: Ideas for games, keen face painters, barbecue superstars, gazebos, deckchairs, ice cream vans, first aiders, party people, foodies, volunteers to help make this a fab fun event for everyone.

Please email, leave a comment below or come along to our public meeting on Thursday June 17th and find out how to get involved.
St Paul's Church Hall 7pm on Evering/Amhurst Road

Find out more about The Big Lunch


  1. Great news - looking forward to it. Happy to help on the day and before with planning. Hoping for sunshine on 18th July!

  2. we need a bit more advertising about this I think - everybodys summers are getting booked up!


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