Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Leswin Area Residents Association (LARA)
The redevelopment of Leswin Place will be starting soon.  Officers from LARA have arranged a meeting with the developers and invite LARA residents, particularly those whose households back on to the development site to attend. The meeting will be at:
Monday 24th March
St Paul’s Church (corner of Evering Road and StokeNewington Road)
The aim of the meeting is to bring together the developers and the effected residents plus other interested parties to discuss the process of the demolition and building works and the effect this will have on local residents. This will be an opportunity to question the developers with any concerns you may have and for them to explain the process.

Below is a brief summary of the situation so far:

Five years ago planning permission was granted on appeal for the development of 1-15 Leswin Place. If you face down Leswin Place from Leswin Road that is all the buildings currently on the left hand side of Leswin Place. The plan is for the:

“Demolition of existing building comprising one B1 commercial unit(258 sqm) and five self-contained flats; erection of row of six two-storey terraced houses (comprising 2 x 4 bed houses and 4 x 3 bed houses)  with gardens and erection of two-storey building comprising three B1 commercial units (222 sqm) at ground floor level with three self-contained two-bed flats above, together with provision of 12 cycle spaces and refuse store.”

We have been told that the existing party walls will stay as they are. Five houses, 3 in Bayston Road and 2 in Leswin Road will be affected by demolition works behind them on the current buildings.

We would urge all interested residents to attend this meeting.
LARA Committee

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